Sorry, no exciting double life to speak of.
Come on it was a wee joke.
it is interesting to read the posts here.
people desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!.
is this your purpose in coming here????.
Sorry, no exciting double life to speak of.
Come on it was a wee joke.
it is interesting to read the posts here.
people desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!.
is this your purpose in coming here????.
Hello again.
First, I am not here to scorn or hurl abuse at posters. (I wish I could say the same for some who replied today!!!)
Ok, I am a JW. Is that such a horrible terrible crime that deserves utter contempt to be thrown at me?
Once again a few mention WT articles from 1914 etc. WHAT????????
Were any of us even born then????? Digging up the past. Give us a break please.
Numerous topics are touched on in this thread and is difficult to answer them all.
One that is mentioned is the "apparent" 1975 prediction.
My mother was brought up in the truth and lived through the 1975 in the truth. She knew nothing of a 1975 prediction nor did anyone else in her local congregation. The misrepresentation of 1975 seemed to be sporadic, depending where people lived.
So lets say it for old times sake - The Watchtower Society, The Governing Body nor the Faithful Slave ever said that 1975 will definately be the end. The year was mentioned from assembly platforms and in a few articles but never ever ever was it said that that particular year would absolutely, unquestionably be the start of armageddon.
A poster mentioned a 1984 prediction?????? Do not know what that is.
A few of you have mentioned my apparent naughtyness in actually coming here after the resolution at the DC. This is a fair point. I am now doubting whether to come back. I feel it is good to talk.
One of my favourite scriptures is when, after some of the disciples stopped following Jesus, he turned to Peter and said "You are not going to leave also, are you?" Peters reply is simple and yet very powerful. He said "Where shall we go, you have sayings of everlasting life". Yes, Peter knew he had found the truth.
Show me a serious alternative to Jehovah's organisation? I do not think so.
Its ironic really - the web address is and yet it is a club for non witnesses.
Maybe you could change the web address to
Ok, having a bit of fun.
it is interesting to read the posts here.
people desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!.
is this your purpose in coming here????.
I have a new TFT flat screen thingy and it is not set up right.
Some letters are a bit blurry.
Thread does make more sense than threat.
Anyway, ministry is not until 10 a.m.
it is interesting to read the posts here.
people desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!.
is this your purpose in coming here????.
My post could be descibed in many ways - but "a threat"?????????
A threat to who?
I shall return later to have a look.
it is interesting to read the posts here.
people desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!.
is this your purpose in coming here????.
It is interesting to read the posts here. People desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!
Is this your purpose in coming here????
I have no doubt some have had bad experiecnes within the organisation. But this does not change the fact that this is the truth.
I have never been more sure that this is an organisation with Jehovah's backing. And no, I am not brainwashed, tricked, blinded, etc etc, it is merely the fact of the matter.
Reading some of the posts here is quite entertaining. What was all the hype about a BIG announcement????????? You try and try again to generate some contraversy when their is none. You still cling to trivialities - NGO status at the UN. This is only a big issue for you, no one else. Mountain out of a molehill.
Regarding the new tract campaign, it has been very well received (I have to admit I thought it could be difficult to place but no, most people quite happy to take it)
I am interested in constructive criticism, but you just moan alot. No substance to your argument. Those who give up / or go apostate do 3 things.
1) Dig up the past ALOT. Qouting ancient Watchtower articles etc. (light gets brighter people)
2) Offer no alternative to the truth, you just tear down.
3) And of course - the main tactic, resort to absolute untruth and deception. (You will all say that is what we do, Yawn Yawn.)
Anyway, got to go out in the ministry.
Bye Bye
with all the ridiculous hype amongst the dubs about how this new tract is going to help bring about "the end", i thought it would be beneficial to highlight how often they've been crying that the sky is falling in the last 1/2 century:.
***w50 2/15 p. 54" stick to your work"*** now is the time to live and work as christians, especially now, for the final end is near.
*** the time of the end is near!
((With all the ridiculous hype amongst the Dubs about how this new tract is going to help bring about "the end))
No, the ridiculous hype is among the ex JWs and apostates who oh so hope that the JWs have got it all wrong.
To repeat, no hype, just a timely message, the end will come at a time of Jehovah's choosing.
for over 100 years the same message of doom and gloom for the world has been preached with a twist.
if your a jehovah's witness you can be saved.. .
i think people are tired of expecting the end of the system, the older generation (there are more older ones than younger i am guessing) are seeing the end of their lives when they thought they never would and some of them probably think about the false prophecy.. .
((The Watchtower Society is quickly becoming someone trapped in mud who is sinking and trying everything they can to get free ))
What absolute noncense!!!
You do like to exaggerate here, don't you.
Jehovahs organisation goes from strength to strength. Increase every year. Special tract campaign will help to sort the deserving from the not so deserving.
i have posted this under various topics but it just keeps getting skipped over.
i don't care how many times the wtbs denies the 1975 predictions, if a member of the gb told his good friends, and they in turn told their friends doesn't that amount to over riding anything written prior to and after 1975?.
the po in our hall was in his 50's and a very good friend of knorr's.
Apostates dragging up the past again.
Blah Blah Blah.
Their is no announcement planned- trust me, it is all apostate hype.
i say live and let live.
we all need to make our own decisons in life but ---------
this site is full of moaners!!!
I say live and let live. We all need to make our own decisons in life but ---------
This site is full of moaners!!!!
You say JWs are pessimistic, look no further than this website for a double dose of misery.
And so many here blame their personal sometimes self-inflicted problems on the WT slave.
YEAH right!!!!!
Just because you do not want to apply bible council and principles does not somehow pass blame to someone else for the repercussions of that choice.
Also, you cast up the past sooooo many times, quoting WTs from decades ago.
Many here are quick to point out minor flaws in the organisation.
Deserters often appease their conscience by trying to convince themselves that the WT organisation has got it all wrong.
Another great tactic is what I call the “half quote”. This is when someone quotes part of a sentence, out of context so as to change its meaning.
It appears to happen here every day!!!
Tell me this -
Are the faithful and discreet slave wrong about –
70 weeks of years.
Gentile times.
The image of Nebuchadnezzar dream.
The king of the North and South.
That these are the last days.
Jesus died on a “Stake”.
The trinity is pagan in origin.
Gods Kingdom set up in 1914.
Armageddon is Gods war.
Paradise awaits the righteous.
144000 go to heaven.
Resurrection to Earth for most.
Everlasting life for faithful humans.
The fall of Babylon the Great.
I could go on……
I ask that you all do one of two things –
Either agree that the Faithful slave have got it right – or show me the alternative.
Do not just reply by saying – Yeah, the WT have got it all wrong. Show the alternative to the WT society.
Some no doubt will bring up –“they have changed their understanding on these things through the years”.
Yeah, that’s right. The light gets brighter my friends.
Do you feel more enlightened when you come to this website or other similar ones? No one could “honestly” say the do.
A quote from a poster is as follows –
Drew Sagan, May 15 th .
((They (JWs) create their own set of dogma, and then judge the world by it. If you celebrate holidays, take blood, believe in going to heaven, the immortality of the soul, the trinity, don't go door to door, or even don't attend "Chrisitan Meetings" you arn't a "true christian".))
What, to you, constitutes a “true” Christian then?
Someone who tells their kids that Santa is real?
Or how about those who go to war and fight their fellow humans?
Drew Sagan - I find your postings a bit strange. What happened to you to justify such bitterness?
One more quote from a poster which, for the most part, hits the nail on the head. –
Samael, May 9 th .
((Forgive me if I sound rude or this question has been answered elsewhere, as I am a neophyte and discovered your site through Google in my religious studies. From reading the various posts it seems that this site serves nothing more than an iconoclastic purpose. Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to demonise the religion? Why not live and let live? Do not get me wrong. I am not trying to promote the JW's. It just seems that the lot of you are acting like petulant children. Correct me, please, if I'm wrong. Is their any valid reason for the existence of this site?))
Some of the responses to this post are quite laughable.
One response from lovelylil asks, Have you ever been in a cult?
Technically speaking “lovelylil” neither have you!
Anyway, I have had my say and its time to go.
District convention for me in 5 weeks. Changes are coming!!!???!!!
The end gets ever nearer